

Download the Energy Impact Matrix to discover tools and strategies that boost clarity, optimise your workflow, and align your energy with outcomes that truly move the needle

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The Energy Impact Matrix

What’s Inside the Energy Impact Matrix?

caroline circle

In case we haven’t met, I’m…


I’m a business development expert who is passionate about achieving high performance with elite level mental fitness. 

I train ambitious leaders to perform at the edge of their abilities and focus on the high impact activities so that they do less and grow more.

I’m here to take you to the next level, while enjoying the ride. And hey, I’m also pretty friendly and fun to work with too.

Some career highlights I’m proud of:

• Appeared on national TV with Gail Porter to supercharge a go to market strategy for a minimal viable product (MVP).

• Negotiated and won a strategic partnership with Google for a small medium enterprise (SME).

• Got nationwide coverage from the launch of the hit TV show ‘Suits’ in menswear retailers across the UK; winning an Institute of Professional Marketing award.

• Built a waitlist of clients within 6-months of launching my own business.

• Maintained a client referral rate of 95% over 5 years.

• Made a keynote speech at the largest international event about female leadership

• Secured millions in new business for clients ranging from consultants and small start-ups to global elite creative agencies. 

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Download the Energy Impact Matrix to discover tools and strategies that boost clarity, optimise your workflow, and align your energy with outcomes that truly move the needle

By entering your info, you’ll become an member of THE BURST — with FREE access to exclusive insights, private Q+As, and inspiring episodes of Snippets of Genius, delivered to your inbox. (Unsub anytime in a click.)